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Home Plans

While I enjoy my profession and it truly is it's own reward, I do have to make sure the folks I'm talking to about designing and building have the financial wherewithal to accomplish the goal. Unless you're paying cash, I can recommend a lender(s) as the necessary first step to establish your budget.

Home Plans

The site and amenity evaluation process looks at all the necessary land prep work and is an integral part of designing your foundation/home to best suit your property. Whether I'm designing and building your home or you live far away and I'm only designing your home, simply provide me with your property survey, that includes topography lines, and I can recreate your land with correct topo inside the design software. We will also utilize a questionnaire I've developed to determine the specific items that are going on and in your home so that the 3D design correctly reflects what is to be built on your property.


 If we're building your home too, based on the site evaluation and plan design, Blue Willow Designs Inc. will present to you, in spread sheet form, an extensive 60+ line item budget so you can clearly see where your construction funds are being spent. You don't have to wonder about your costs, you see them in real time from the individual trades and can compare them to your pre-determined budget. 

Home Plans

I believe this is what separates me from Architects and other builders. With 2d plans bought from the internet or provided by an old school architect, you simply do not know how the home will live until you're physically in the home and then it's too late to make corrections. Also, initially, home plans are "detached" in a sense from the property they are to be built upon. I marry the 2 together correctly using powerful 3D design software that allows your home to compliment your site instead of costing you more money in site work and foundation. To-scale furniture and fixtures are placed in the design as well and viewed in vivid 3D renderings. Want to see what your favorite paint color is going to look like in your newly designed kitchen? I can show it to you! My 3D design software is an incredibly powerful tool that not only safeguards you against poor design but also gives you the benefit of perfecting your new home before the first nail is ever driven. Site design & home plans include:

  • Site evaluation

  • Copy of questionnaire to use with your builder​​

  • Foundation Plan

  • Floor Plans for each floor

  • All necessary engineering documents

  • Exterior elevations all sides

  • Electrical Plan

  • Exterior placement of equipment/well/septic/AC units

  • Color renderings of main interior rooms

  • Color renderings of exterior of home

  • Click here for pricing info.

Home Plans
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